Chan Chee Seng, PhD, MIET, MIEEE
Centre for Multimodal Signal Processing
Technology Park Malaysia
Visual surveillance in dynamic scenes, especially for humans and vehicles, is currently one of the most active research topics in computer vision. It has a wide spectrum of promising applications, including access control in special areas, human identification at a distance, crowd flux statistics and congestion analysis, detection of anomalous behaviours, and interactive surveillance using multiple cameras, etc. In general, the processing framework of visual surveillance in dynamic scenes includes the following stages: modelling of environments, detection of motion, classification of moving objects, tracking, understanding and description of behaviours, human identification, and fusion of data from multiple cameras.
In this presentation, first of all I will review the recent developments and general strategies of all these stages. Secondly, I will show how some of my earlier research fits into this area. Finally, I will analyse possible research directions, e.g., occlusion handling, a combination of two and three-dimensional tracking, a combination of motion analysis and biometrics, anomaly detection and behaviour prediction, content-based retrieval of surveillance videos, behaviour understanding and natural language description, fusion of information from multiple sensors, and remote surveillance.
Chee Seng Chan received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K., 2008. He previously held research appointment at the Institute of Industrial Research, University of Portsmouth, U.K. His current research interests include human motion analysis, medical image analysis, fuzzy qualitative reasoning, knowledge-based theory, and applications.
Date : 4 September 2009 (Friday)
Time : 10.00am - 11.00am
Venue : MIMOS Berhad, TPM, Kuala Lumpur.
While no registration is mandatory, it would be appreciated if you can kindly inform us of your participation on or before 2nd September for our records and preparations.
Warmest regards.