Wednesday, December 16, 2009
MIMOS Research Seminar: Multi-camera Anomaly Detection
WHO: Chen Change, LOY (Queens Mary College, University of London, U.K.)
WHEN: 1100 am – 1200 noon , Tuesday 22 December 2009
WHERE: MIMOS Berhad, Technology Park Malaysia, 57000 Kuala Lumpur
Admission : Free, but registration is encouraged..
Parking : There is ample free parking within the grounds of MIMOS Bhd.
Abstract :
We present a novel approach for detecting global behaviour anomalies in multiple disjoint cameras by learning time delayed dependencies between activities cross camera views. Specifically, we propose to model multi-camera activities using a Time Delayed Probabilistic Graphical Model (TD-PGM) with different nodes representing activities in different semantically decomposed regions from different camera views, and the directed links between nodes encoding causal relationships between the activities. A novel two-stage structure learning algorithm is formulated to learn globally optimised time-delayed dependencies. A new cumulative abnormality score is also introduced to replace the conventional log-likelihood score for gaining significantly more robust and reliable real-time anomaly detection. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated using a camera network installed at a busy underground station.
Profile :
Loy Chen Change is a PhD candidate in Queen Mary, University of London, U.K., under the supervision of Dr. Xiang and Prof. Gong. Previous to this, he was a researcher in Centre of Multimodel Signal Processing, Mimos Berhad. His work is focused on computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing. He has published in numerous prestigious computer vision conferences, e.g. ICCV, CVPR and BMVC.
All are welcome! However, as there are only a limited number of seats available, please come early to avoid the disappointment of not having a place to sit for the entire duration of the presentation.
We would appreciate receiving confirmation of participation (email: or tel. 03 8995 5000 ext. 6270). See you there !
Friday, December 4, 2009
All set for SPICT-09 and WAIC-09
Talk by Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram
invites you to the Third Chevening 25th Anniversary Public Lecture on
Can we kill three birds with one stone?
Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development,
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations
Member, United Nations Commission of Experts on Reforms
of the International Monetary and Financial System
Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Time: 7.45 to 10.00pm
Venue: Auditorium, Securities Commission
3, Persiaran Bukit Kiara,
Cost: Free
For map, see:
Dr K S Jomo is widely perceived to be an outspoken intellectual with unorthodox non-partisan views. Hence, his analytical review of the current triple global crisis and the failure of the international community to respond more creatively will be exciting and insightful. A question and answer session will follow his presentation.
Confirm your attendance by registering at
Feel free to circulate this notice.
We look forward to welcoming you to this timely forum.
Nithi Nesadurai
The Chevening Alumni of Malaysia is an association of recipients of the Chevening Scholarship awarded by the British Government for study in the
Monday, November 30, 2009
2nd MSC Malaysia R&D Exchange Forum 2009
Ir. Prof. Dato' Dr. Chuah Hean TeikPresident/CEOUniversiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
Ms. Ng Wan PengChief Operating OfficerMultimedia Development Corporation
Mr. Eiichi MuramotoNetwork Technology LeaderImmersive Communication Task Force, Corporate R&DPanasonic Corporation Osaka
Dr.Ettikan KandasamyPrincipal EngineerPanasonic R&D Centre Malaysia, Cyberjaya
Dr. Poo Kuan HoongFaculty of Information TechnologyMultimedia University (MMU)
Moderator: Dr. Victor Tan (UTAR)Panelist: Mr. Eiichi MuramotoDr. Ettikan KandasamyDr. Poo Kuan Hoong
Prof Dr.Sureswaran RamadassDirector of the National Advanced IPv6 Centre of Excellence (NAV6),IPv6 Domain Head for MYREN (Malaysian Research and Education Network)Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Dr. Tommi ChenCEO, ipVx Sdn Bhd.
Prof. Lee Sze Wei, Vice President (R&D and Commercialization),Director of Institute of Postgraduate Studies & Research,Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
Moderator: Dr. Liew Soung Yue (UTAR)Panelist: Prof Dr.Sureswaran RamadassDr. Tommi ChenProf. Lee Sze Wei
Ettikan KK., with Ph.D (in the area of Distributed Computing), MSc (Master of Computer Science) and Bachelor of Computer Science, all from University Science Malaysia, obtained in the year 1997, 1999 and 2005 respectively. He is currently with Advanced Technology Development Group (ATDG), Panasonic R&D Centre Malaysia located in Cyberjaya, Malaysia as Principal Engineer (cum General Manager of R&D Group) being responsible in IP Multimedia communications protocol research activities. He is responsible for initiating collaborative research activities with Corporate Lab partners and formulating research process/methodology. Beside the team leading/managing effort, he also directly involved in R&D activities with 12 JP/International patents were successfully applied in the Home Networking area & Network Processing. Recently under his leadership ATDG/PRDCM was awarded STAR grant for strategic research activities at ATDG as part of Panasonic corporate research lab. Currently he is actively participating in embedded system communication related areas at ATDG.
Mr. Eiichi Muramoto received his Engineering Master degree from Information Science from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). His research interest includes areas in Networking, Group communication, End to End QoS, Internet Testbed Application.
Dr. Poo Kuan Hoong received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, and both his M.IT. and B.Sc. degrees from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia.His current research interest area spans peer-to-peer (P2P) networks and Distributed Systems. He is also interested in algorithm design and performance modeling of various distributed systems based on a variety of theories, including optimization, graph theory, and network coding. He is also interested in extensive measurement and statistical study of large-scale Internet systems, to explore problems and derive insights towards their improvement.
Dr. Tommi Chen has been an early internet pioneer in Asia setting up the first ISP in the region in 1991. In Singapore he is best known as founder of Pacific Internet and is credited as the 'father' of the internet for his work as a pioneer and catalyst for internet developments in Singapore. In 1995, he was invited by Telekom Malaysia to set up its ISP, TMNet. He was also once in research leading the R&D team for networking at the National University of Singapore and later becoming Deputy Director in charge of IT planning at the University.Today Tommi is Chief Executive of ipVx Sdn Bhd. The company specializes in setting up ICT infrastructure and providing outsource services for data centres, internet service providers and large corporate clients. His forte is the internet, understanding its business implications and the service provider business. His strength is in his ability to create strong technological implementation capability and is known in the industry for his strategic insight in the internet service provider industry.
Dr. Sureswaran obtained his BsEE/CE (Magna Cum Laude) and Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Miami in 1987 and 1990 respectively. He obtained his PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 2000.Dr. Sureswaran's career included being a senior member of the technical staff of the research team of MODCOMP, Florida. MODCOMP was a company focused on the research, development and deployment of real-time operating systems. MODCOMP's customers included Jet Propultion Labs (JPL) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for their remote space vehicles. Dr. Sureswaran later joined ICON Business System, Inc (Florida) as Senior Consultant in 1991. He was subsequently promoted to Vice President Engineering and was responsible for the entire engineering and R&D divisions of ICON.Dr. Sureswaran's achievements include being awarded the Malaysian Innovation Award by the Prime Minister in 2007. Dr. Sureswaran was also the founder and headed the team that successfully took MLabs Systems Berhad, a high technology video conferencing company to a successful listing on the Malaysian Stock Exchange in 2005.Dr. Sureswaran is currently one of the four steering committee members and the IPv6 Domain Head for MYREN (Malaysian Research and Education Network). He is also currently the Chairman of the Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force (APV6TF). Dr. Sureswaran's is also a Primary Member of APAN as well as the Head of APAN Malaysia (Asia Pacific Advanced Networks).Dr. Sureswaran is currently a Director of the Japanese AI3 project and is also the Head of the AI3 (Asian Internet Interconnections Initiative) for Malaysia. Dr. Sureswaran was also appointed as an advisor to the Japanese government's Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecomm. (MPHPT).Dr. Sureswaran has published over 70 research papers and 7 patents. He has written chapters and provided materials for 4 books. He has also been a program committee member for numerous international conferences and has reviewed papers for over 30 international and national level conferences.Dr. Sureswaran has received over USD 8 million in research funding and grants fromnumerous organizations in the 16 years that he has been with the university.
Prof. Dr. Lee Sze Wei obtained his BEng (Hons) in Electronics and Optoelectronics, MPhil., and PhD from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK in 1995, 1996, and 1998 respectively. He specializes in telecommunication engineering and has been involved in various industry-university collaborative research projects and providing training programmes to the industry aimed at updating and upgrading the knowledge and skill of technologists and engineers in the industry.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Fwd: FICT Postgraduate Proposal Defense Seminar
Please be informed that you are invited for the FICT Postgraduate Proposal Defense Seminar to be held on this Friday. All are welcome to the event.
Date: 20 Nov 2009 (Friday)
Time: PD206, FICT PJ.
No | From | To | Candidate Name | Programme | Title (Tentative) | Supervisor(s) |
1 | 10:00:00 AM | 10:30:00 AM | Hoh Ming Chee | MIS-A | The Development and Evaluation of an Independent Learner Courseware for Web Based Learning Environment (ILC-WBLE) | Dr Choo Wou Onn, Dr Siew Pei Hwa (Co-sup) |
2 | 10:30:00 AM | 11:30:00 AM | Ling Toh Koh | MCS-A | Pedestrian Detection Implementation Using CUDA | Dr Tay Yong Haur |
3 | 11:30:00 AM | 12:00:00 PM | Simon Lim Hao Wooi | MCS-A | Viewpoint-invariant Generic Object Recognition on static images via Temporal Semi-Online Semi-Supervised Learning | Dr Tay Yong Haur |
4 | 12:00:00 PM | 1:00:00 PM | Gan Ming Lee | PhD(ICT) | α+1: A New resource - Efficient path Protection Scheme | Dr Liew Soung Yue |
5 | 1:00:00 PM | 2:00:00 PM | Sor Kean Vee | PhD(ICT) | Parralel computation in RNA Structures Prediction | Dr Goh Yong Kheng |
6 | 2:00:00 PM | 2:30:00 PM | Lee Kelvin | MCS-A | Intruder Detection and Recognition through Behavioral Analysis | Dr Khor Siak Wang, Dr Lee Yun Li (Co-sup) |
7 | 2:30:00 PM | 3:00:00 PM | Ooi Zheng Lin | MCS-A | Detecting and Recognizing Intruder through Posture and Movement Activities | Dr Khor Siak Wang, Dr Lee Yun Li (Co-sup) |
Yong Haur
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
IEEE I&M Workshop on Robotics and Instrumentation
IEEE I&M Malaysia Chapter is organizing one-day workshop on Robotics and
Instrumentation - suitable for students, academicians and even hobbyists.
The workshop allows you to have hands-on experience on designing robots and
their instrumentation. Since, we have received many requests to postpone the
date due to examination period in many universities, therefore, the new date
has been selected and the details are as follows.
Date : Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Venue : Kulliyyah of Engineering, International
Islamic University
Time : 9.00am - 4.30pm
Price : RM50 (includes robotic kits, handouts,
certificates and refreshment)
Contact/ : A/Prof . Dr. Rini Akmeliawati
Registration by 09 December to <>
Instructor : Dr. Riza Muhida
Itinerary :
09.00 Opening
09.15 Introduction to Robot: History, Structure and Components
10.30 Introduction to Microcontroller
11.30 Microcontroller Programming and data acquisition using Microcontroller
13.00 Lunch/Zhuhur Prayer
14.00 Programming For Robot
15.30 Design a Line Following Robot
16.00 Simulation of Line following Robot Competition
16.30 Closing
Short biography of instructor:
Dr Riza obtained his PhD in the field of Optical Electronics from Osaka
University, Japan. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Physics from
Institute Technology Bandung, Indonesia; and his MSc in the field of Power
Electronics from Osaka University, Japan. He is currently an Assistant
Professor at the dept. Mechatronics Engineering, International Islamic
University Malaysia. His fields of interests: Instrumentation and
Measurement, Robotics, Sensors and Actuations. He has given many workshops
and trainings on Robotics and Instrumentation. He was one of the organizing
committee of the International Robot Olympiad 2008. He is an active member
of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Malaysia Chapter.
PS: We would appreciate if you can disseminate the information or the
attached poster to your colleagues/students/universities.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Rini Akmeliawati
Chair of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement
Malaysia Chapter.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Mimos Seminar invitation - Prof Dr Sergio Velastin
On behalf of Mimos Berhad, I have the honour to invite you and your colleagues to the presentation of Prof. Dr. Sergio Velastin, Kingston University, U.K., one of the leading expert in the field of digital imaging, smart notion and the analysis of human behavioural images in crowded situations, to take place on
Monday, 16th November 2009, 10:30a.m.
Mimos Berhad, Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil ( Seminar Room to be announced)
Prof. Dr. Sergio presentation will focus on "CCTV Video Analytics: Recent Advances and Limitations". Abstract of the presentation and a short biography of Prof. Dr. Sergio can be found below.
The presentation will end approx. at 11.30a.m.
We would appreciate receiving confirmation of participation before 13.11.2009 (email: or tel. 02 8995 5000 ext. 6270). Please be informed that light refreshment will be provided after the presentation. See you there !
Dr Chee Seng Chan
Senior Reseacher
Mimos Berhad
Technology Park Malaysia
57000 Kuala Lumpur
Contact: +(60)3 8995 5000 ext. 6270
Thursday, October 22, 2009
3rd MSC MALAYSIA R&D SERIES 2009 : Next Generation Wireless Network
We are pleased to invite you for the event below. You may RSVP to Looking forward to have you for the event. Thanks.
*Please feel free to forward this invitation to relevant contact.
Thanks & Regards,
Thelagavathi Atikan
Senior Executive - Technology Policy and Research
Capacity Development Division
Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
DID: +603-8314 1842 |Fax: +603-8318 8786 |Email: <>
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Talk on Research Grant, Journal Publication and Consultancy Work (22/10/09)
We are pleased to inform you that Faculty of Business and Finance
(FBF) will organize a half-day seminar on 22nd October 2009 (Thursday)
from 1.00p.m. - 5.00 p.m. The venue of the seminar is at Auditorium
A003, Blok A, UTAR Kampar Campus. Three speakers were invited to give
a talk on research grant, journal publication and consultancy works.
The details of the seminar are as follow:-
Topic 1: How to Publish Research Papers in the Reputable Journals Effectively?
Speaker: Dr. Alain Yee-Loong Chong, Associate Professor, INTI
University College, Malaysia
Topic 2: How to Apply External Research Grant?
Speaker: Dr. Chew Kok Wai, Senior Lecturer, Multimedia University, Malaysia.
Topic 3: How to Obtain Consultancy Works?
Speaker: Dr. Ch'ng Huck Khoon, Assistant Professor, Universiti Tunku
Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.
Attached are the resumes of the above speakers.
We look forward to welcoming you to the above talks. Please
disseminate this information to your staff and we would like to invite
all of you to come forward and join us in sharing the knowledge and
valuable information together.
If you would like to reserve a place please email or call our Deputy
Dean (R&D) Dr. Choong Chee Keong - We would be
very pleased to welcome you.
Thank you
Best regards,
Dr. Ooi Keng Boon
Dean and Associate Professor
Faculty of Business and Finance
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Perak Campus
Jalan Universiti
Bandar Barat
31900 Kampar, Perak, Malaysia
Tel: +605-4662323 Ext.1033
Fax: +605-4667407
Saturday, September 5, 2009
FICT Doctoral Presentation Session (Sept 8th, 1-4pm, PD206)
We would like to invite you to a presentation session by our doctoral students who joined us this June. A total of 5 topic areas ranging from technical computer science materials to social information systems subjects will be presented. We plan for this session to be informal so everybody can participate in discussing, commenting, and providing suggestions to the presenters. This will be also a good "gathering and of course relaxing" session after 14-weeks of teaching. We know it is a long session, so we will prepare refreshments : ).
The schedule and the venue are as followed:
Date/Time: Tuesday, Sept 8th, 2009 / 1 - 4pm
Venue: PD206, UTAR Petaling Jaya
See you.
Presentation/Demo from Omron
You are invited to attend presentation/demo from Omron on 10th September 2009 (Thursday) at 2pm. Mr Looi, from Omron will give a presentation/demo on their lastest technology such as RFID, Interactive touch panel, floor displays and 3D animation that currently as an emerging technology in the market place. This presentation may benefits towards your research area.
The presentation/demo schedule as followed:
Date : 10th September 2009 (Thursday)
Time : 2pm
Venue : PD206 (UTAR PJ Campus, PD Block)
Thank you very much~
Best regards,
Yunli Lee
Friday, August 21, 2009
MIMOS Research Symposium : Recent Developnments in Human Motion Analysis
Chan Chee Seng, PhD, MIET, MIEEE
Centre for Multimodal Signal Processing
Technology Park Malaysia
Visual surveillance in dynamic scenes, especially for humans and vehicles, is currently one of the most active research topics in computer vision. It has a wide spectrum of promising applications, including access control in special areas, human identification at a distance, crowd flux statistics and congestion analysis, detection of anomalous behaviours, and interactive surveillance using multiple cameras, etc. In general, the processing framework of visual surveillance in dynamic scenes includes the following stages: modelling of environments, detection of motion, classification of moving objects, tracking, understanding and description of behaviours, human identification, and fusion of data from multiple cameras.
In this presentation, first of all I will review the recent developments and general strategies of all these stages. Secondly, I will show how some of my earlier research fits into this area. Finally, I will analyse possible research directions, e.g., occlusion handling, a combination of two and three-dimensional tracking, a combination of motion analysis and biometrics, anomaly detection and behaviour prediction, content-based retrieval of surveillance videos, behaviour understanding and natural language description, fusion of information from multiple sensors, and remote surveillance.
Chee Seng Chan received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K., 2008. He previously held research appointment at the Institute of Industrial Research, University of Portsmouth, U.K. His current research interests include human motion analysis, medical image analysis, fuzzy qualitative reasoning, knowledge-based theory, and applications.
Date : 4 September 2009 (Friday)
Time : 10.00am - 11.00am
Venue : MIMOS Berhad, TPM, Kuala Lumpur.
While no registration is mandatory, it would be appreciated if you can kindly inform us of your participation on or before 2nd September for our records and preparations.
Warmest regards.
Monday, July 20, 2009
CCIS Seminar: How to use Grid technology in daily life and science
Title : How to use Grid technology in daily life and science
Date : 27 July 2009 (Monday)
Time : 3.30 p.m.
UTAR Perak Campus : Conference Room, 1st Floor, Block A
UTAR PJ Campus : Conference Room, 1st Floor, PD Block
Presenter : Dr. Cheng Wai Khuen (Michael)
Grid computing has emerged as a new paradigm for high performance computing. One of the objectives of Grid is to enable users to access remote resources and federate distributed computers for large-scale computational processes. Nowadays, the term of GRID is still a "Myth" for many non-computer science literate researchers. We see some degree of confusion in the IT industry since various terminologies such as on-demand computing, cloud computing, service oriented architecture and virtualization are bandied. This presentation will discuss on these issues and helps researchers to differentiate among the jargons. Some current Grid related projects which have been conducted globally in different domains are presented. It helps to inspire more researchers to apply this technology in the appropriate area for our daily life and science development. Some guides and concerns are presented to those interests in utilizing Grid for technology advancement.
Mariam Nainan
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Friday, July 17, 2009
CVT Seminar: Vehicle Safety and Injury Prevention by Prof Brian Fildes
Venue: DK1, UTAR KL Campus, Setapak
All students and staff are invited
Collaboration Discussion: 2-3pm, 20th July 2009, 6th floor meeting room, all
staff are invited.
Dr Tan Ching Seong 陈清祥
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
CCIS Seminar: View Independent Posture Recognition using Multiple Silhouettes in Hidden Markov Models
Yong Haur
Monday, July 6, 2009
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme - Knowledge Management - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme - Knowledge Management - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Established in 2009 by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD programs in Hong Kong's institutions.
Those who are seeking admission as new full time PhD students in UGC-funded institutions of Hong Kong, irrespective of their country of origin and ethnic background, should be eligible to apply. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding qualities of academic performance, research ability / potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities.
The Fellowship
The Fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$20,0001 and a conference travel allowance of HK$10,0001 per year for the awardees for a maximum period of three years. 135 PhD Fellowships will be awarded for the 2010/11 academic year2.
1US$1 = HK$7.8 (rate for reference only)
2Academic year in Hong Kong normally starts in September.
Review Panels
Applications, subject to their areas of studies, will be reviewed by two Selection Panels with experts in the broad areas, one for science, medicine, engineering and technology and another one for humanities, social science and business studies.
Selection Criteria
While the academic excellence is of prime consideration, the Review Panels will take into account, but is not limited to, the four yardsticks below for the selection of candidates:
1. Academic excellence;
2. Research ability and potential;
3. Communication, and interpersonal skills; and
4. Leadership abilities.
Application Process
The Scheme will call for application in early September 2009.
Each applicant may choose up to two programs in one or two institutions for PhD study when applying for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. Application should be made through the Online Application System (OAS) which will be available in early September 2009. The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship application is also regarded as a formal application for admission to the PhD program(s) offered by the institution(s) concerned. Applicants are therefore required to fully comply with the admission requirements of their selected institutions and programs except the application deadline, which should strictly follow the stipulated deadline for the Fellowship scheme. Admission requirements of individual institutions are as follows:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In parallel to the Fellowship application, each application will be processed by the relevant institution(s) as a normal application for PhD admission. Individual institutions may conduct interview with applicants where necessary. Institutions may also admit candidates not selected for the Fellowship Scheme and offer them with postgraduate studentship of the institutions if they are considered to be qualified.
Postgraduate Studies in Hong Kong
For more information on postgraduate studies in Hong Kong, please visit the Joint Institutions homepage at
For enquiries about the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, please address your questions to
For enquiries about the PhD programmes and admission requirements, please contact the respective institutions directly. The contacts of each institution are as follows:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Research Office,
Room M501, Li Ka Shing Tower,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone number: (852) 3400 3635
Fax number: (852) 2355 7651
Interested candidates please contact Dr. Patrick S.W. Fong, Department of Building & Real Estate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for discussions on possible topics/proposals in Knowledge Management.
Yong Haur
FES Seminar: Quantum-Dot/Dash Broadband Emitters: Materials, Technology and Novel Applications
Kindly be informed that the following event will be held in FES. Kindly disseminate this information to all staffs and students at your faculty.
Talk on "Quantum-Dot/Dash Broadband Emitters: Materials, Technology and Novel Applications"
Date : 8th July 2009 (Wednesday)
Time : 10.00am – 11.00am.
Venue : 6th Floor Meeting Room, Block SA, UTAR KL Campus
Speaker : Dr Ooi Boon Siew
thanks and regards.
Mee Har.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
FICT Seminar: Economic Crises: Technology is the Answer by Prof Edward Tsang
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
SPICT'09 [Deadline Extension]
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.
In order to better accommodate the demands from the researchers, the deadline for
paper submissions to Symposium on Progress in Information and Communication
Technology (SPICT'09) has been extended to 1 August 2009, and this will be the
final extension.
We encourage you to submit your papers to this exciting symposium and looking
forward to meeting you.
Final Call for Papers
Symposium on Progress in Information and Communication Technology (SPICT'09)
in conjunction with
Post-ICONIP Workshop in Advances in Intelligent Computing (WAIC 2009)
*7 - 8 December 2009*
The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
SPICT'09 aims to bring together researchers, industry practitioners and students
to exchange the latest advances and trends, and to identify and share emerging
research topics in the field of information and communication technology. SPICT
encourages papers with original ideas and research advances, covering all aspects
of ICT. It also encourages contributions that describe experiences drawn from
real-world applications, or large scale simulation experiments, taken from a
variety of fields, including environment, agriculture, atmosphere, and ocean.
Work-in-progress reports on current projects are also welcome.
SPICT'09 solicits contributions from the following non-exclusive list of topics in
information and communication technology:
- Agent & Multi-agent Systems - Antennas & Propagation – Artificial Intelligence -
Bioinformatics & Scientific Computing – Business Intelligence - Communication
Systems and Networks - Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation - Computer Vision
- Database and Application - Geographical Information Systems - Grid and Utility
Computing – Image Processing - Information indexing & retrieval - Information
Systems - Intelligent Systems - Internet Technology - Knowledge Management -
Mobile Communication Services - Multimedia Technology and Systems - Natural
Language Processing - Network Management and services - Ontology and Web Semantic
- Parallel and Distributed Computing - Pattern Recognition - Pervasive Computing -
Real-Time and Embedded Systems - Remote Sensing - Robotic Technologies - Security
and Cryptography - Sensor Networks - Service Computing - Signal Processing -
Software Engineering - Strategic Information System – Optical Communications and
Important dates are as follows:
Extended Full Paper Submission deadline : 1st August 2009
Notification of acceptance : 1st September 2009
Camera-ready manuscript and author's registration : 1st October 2009
Early Bird Registration : 1st October 2009
Conference date : 7th -8th December 2009
It is our great pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to participate in this
conference. For more information, please visit our website at or email to Your assistance in
disseminating this information is very much appreciated.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving a positive response from you soon.
Yours truly,
Hong Tat Ewe, Prof. Dr.
General Chair
Symposium on Progress in Information and Communication Technology (SPICT'09)
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT)
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
9, Jalan Bersatu 13/4,
46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia.
Tel 03-79551511
Fax 03-79551611
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Financial aid for post-graduate students now opened to private universities
Yong Haur
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
CMS Seminar: Palindromic RNA distributions of Bacteria
Centre of Mathematical Sciences Seminar Series
Date: 26 June 2009 (Friday)
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Venue: FICT Meeting Room, FICT, UTAR.
Speaker: Dr. Goh Yong Kheng, UTAR
Title: Palindromic RNA distributions of Bacteria
Dear all,
This week's CMS talk will be on this Friday, 2:30-3:30pm. This week speaker will be myself. I will talk about the distributions of Palindromes in various bacteria genome and potential application of these distributions to categorize bacteria families.
Please note that the venue will be in Room PD208A.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Goh Yong Kheng
Assistant Professor / Deputy Dean
Faculty of Information & Communication Technology
University of Tunku Abdul Rahman
13, Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Tel: 03-7955-1511 Ext 105
Monday, June 22, 2009
CCIS Seminar: Non-Technical Loss Detection for Metered Customers in Power Utility using Support Vector Machines
The Centre for Computing and Intelligent Systems (CCIS) will be organizing a talk by Mr. Yap Keem Siah, Senior Lecturer, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). The details of the talk are as the following:
Date: 24 June 2009 (Wednesday)
Time: 10 am – 11 am
Venue: PD206, FICT, UTAR.
Title: Non-Technical Loss Detection for Metered Customers in Power Utility using Support Vector Machines
Electricity consumer dishonesty is a problem faced by all power utilities. Finding efficient measurements for detecting fraudulent electricity consumption has been an active research area in recent years. This presentation proposed a new approach towards non-technical loss (NTL) detection in power utilities using an artificial intelligence based technique, i. e., support vector machine (SVM). The main motivation of this study is to assist power utilities to reduce its NTLs in the distribution sector due to abnormalities and fraud activities, i.e., electricity theft. The fraud detection model developed in this research study pre-selects suspected customers to be inspected onsite fraud based on irregularities in consumption behavior. This approach provides a method of data mining, which involves feature extraction from historical customer consumption data. This SVM based approach uses customer load profile information and additional attributes to expose abnormal behavior that is known to be highly correlated with NTL activities. The result yields customer classes which are used to shortlist potential suspects for onsite inspection based on significant behavior that emerges due to fraud activities. Model testing is performed using historical kWh consumption data for three towns and the feedback from the onsite inspection indicates that the proposed method is more effective compared to the current actions taken by them. With the implementation of this new fraud detection system detection hit-rate will increase from 3% to 60%.
Yong Haur
Monday, June 8, 2009
CMS Seminar: Numerical Option Pricing by Ms. Lee Tse Yueng
Centre of Mathematical Sciences Seminar Series
Date: 10 June 2009 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Venue: Meeting Room
Speaker: Ms. Lee Tse Yueng, UTAR
Title: Numerical Option Pricing
Dear all,
This week's CMS talk will be on this Wednesday, 2:30-3:30pm. The speaker is our
Ms. Lee Tse Yueng. She is current our doing her postgraduate study under
supervision of Dr. Chin Seong Tah. Her talk will be on Numerical Option Pricing.
Please note that the venue will be in FICT Meeting Room.
Thank you very much.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Talk by Yahoo! engineering director
Gentle reminder about today's talk by Mr. Chang Sau Cheong from Yahoo! Singapore.
Venue : PD011, FICT, UTAR
Time: 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm
Speaker: Mr. Chang Sau Sheong, Engineering Director of Yahoo! Singapore
- Ruby and the Cloud - How to deploy Ruby Sinatra Application to the Heroku and Google AppEngine could platforms
- Write an internet search engine in 200 lines of code
Monday, June 1, 2009
CCIS Seminar: Digital Gold Currency - A Solution to the Global Financial Crisis by Dr. Ng Liang Shing
Date : 17 June 2009 (Wednesday)
Time : 6.30pm
Venue :
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
No. 13 Jalan 13/6
46200 Petaling Jaya
"Is the root cause of the global financial crisis due to the fact that governments / central banks can print as much as money as they like?"
"If so, is it possible to eliminate paper money and consequently eliminate financial crises altogether?"
The recent global financial crisis has raised many questions on a global scale -- from technical, financial, to political and even moral. In this lecture, we explore the following issues:
a) the role of fiat currency in the global financial crisis,
b) the history of money: from Roman, Persian, Islamic, Chinese to modern
c) a novel form of currency called the Digital Gold Currency.
i) how to model the impact of Digital Gold Currency for small, medium and large businesses
ii) how to prepare small, medium and large businesses for the adoption of Digital Gold Currency
iii) simulation of capital flight and currency collapse, and how Digital Gold Currency can help minimize the impact
iv) the scenario of a truly globalised economy with DGC as a universal currency.
Speaker's Biography:
Dr. Ng Liang Shing is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya. His research areas include Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Computer Architecture and Internet applications.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
CCNS Seminar: Network Coding Design for Disruption Tolerant N/W by Dr. Chuah Mooi Choo
The center for Communication Systems and Networking will be organizing a talk by Dr. Chuah Mooi Choo, Assoc. Prof, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lehigh University. All are invited to attend. Post graduate Supervisors are requested to encourage their students to attend the talk.
Date: 28/05/2009 (Thursday)
Venue: 5th floor meeting room, FES, Setapak
Time: 2:00 PM
Network Coding Design for Disruption Tolerant N/W
We also discuss some security issues related to network coding enabled wireless systems. We will show the impacts of selective dropping attacks on the delivery performance of network coding enabled wireless systems. Lastly, we present a mitigation scheme that can improve delivery performance during such attacks.
With thanks and regards,
Dr. Morris Ezra,
Asst. Professor,
Faculty of Engineering and Science,
University Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Jalan Genting Klang,
53300 Setapak.
Kuala Lumpur.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
CCIS Seminar: Aspect-Oriented Programming: Beyond Objects
Title: Aspect-Oriented Programming: Beyond Objects
Date: Friday 22 May 2009
Time: 10.00 - 11.00 am
Venue: Petaling Jaya campus - Meeting Room, Block PD
Kampar campaus – Please check with Dr Choo Wou Onn
Speaker: Ms Mariam Nainan
Aspect-oriented programming is a recent programming approach that adds another dimension of modularity and abstraction to existing programming paradigms such as object-oriented programming. This talk presents this new programming approach as well as some research issues to consider.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
CCNS Seminar: Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments and Online Games: Networking and System Support by Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi
Speaker: Prof. Shervin Shirmohammadi (his bio and picture can be found at
Date: 22/5/2009
Time: 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Venue: UTAR FICT PD206
All FICT/FSET/FES staff and students are welcome
A Massively Multiuser Virtual Environment (MMVE) sets out to create an environment for thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of users to simultaneously interact with each other as in the real world. For example, Massively Multiuser Online Games (MMOGs), now a very profitable sector of the industry and subject to academic and industry research, is a special case of MMVEs where hundreds of thousands of players simultaneously play games with each other. Although originally designed for gaming, MMOGs are now widely used for socializing, business, commerce, scientific experimentation, and many other practical purposes. One could say that MMOGs are the "killer app" that brings MMVE into the realm of eSociety. This is evident from the fact that real companies are opening "virtual branches" in these online games, such as jean manufacturers, IBM, and CNN, to name a few. Virtual currencies such as Linden (or L$) in Second Life are already being exchanged for real-world money. Similarly, virtual goods and virtual real-state are being bought and sold with real-world money. Massive numbers of users spend their time with their fellow players at online games like EverQuest, Half-Life, World of Warcraft, and Second Life. World of Warcraft, for example, has over eleven million users with a peak of over 500,000 players online at a given. There is no doubt that MMOGs and MMVEs have the potential to be the corner stone of any eSociety platform in the near future, because they bring the massiveness, awareness, and inter-personal interaction of the real society into the digital realm.
In this talk, we focus on approaches for supporting the massive number of users in such environments, consisting of scalability methods, zoning techniques, and area of interest management. Focus will be on the networking and system support and architectures, as well as research challenges still remaining to be solved.
Thank you very much.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Call for Paper - Symposium on Progress in Information and Communication Technologies (SPICT'09)
The Symposium on Progress in Information and Communication
Technologies (SPICT'09) Call for Paper
We are pleased to inform you that the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
is organizing the Symposium on Progress in Information and
Communication Technologies (SPICT'09). SPICT'09 will be held in Kuala
Lumpur on 7th to 8th December 2009, in conjunction with the
post-ICONIP workshop, Workshop on Advances in Intelligent Computing
(WAIC 2009), on 7th December 2009.
SPICT'09 aims to bring together researchers, industry practitioners
and students to exchange the latest advances and trends, and to
identify and share emerging research topics in the field of
information and communication technology. SPICT encourages papers with
original ideas and research advances, covering all aspects of ICT. It
also encourages contributions that describe experiences drawn from
real-world applications, or large scale simulation experiments, taken
from a variety of fields, including environment, agriculture,
atmosphere, and ocean. Work-in-progress reports on current projects
are also welcome.
SPICT'09 solicits contributions from the following non-exclusive list
of topics in information and communication technology:
- Agent & Multi-agent Systems - Antennas & Propagation - Artificial
Intelligence - Bioinformatics & Scientific Computing - Business
Intelligence - Communication Systems and Networks - Complex Systems:
Modeling and Simulation - Computer Vision - Database and Application -
Geographical Information Systems - Grid and Utility Computing - Image
Processing - Information indexing & retrieval - Information Systems -
Intelligent Systems - Internet Technology - Knowledge Management -
Mobile Communication Services - Multimedia Technology and Systems -
Natural Language Processing - Network Management and services -
Ontology and Web Semantic - Parallel and Distributed Computing -
Pattern Recognition - Pervasive Computing - Real-Time and Embedded
Systems - Remote Sensing - Robotic Technologies - Security and
Cryptography - Sensor Networks - Service Computing - Signal Processing
- Software Engineering - Strategic Information System - Optical
Communications and Networks
Important dates are as follows:
Full Paper Submission deadline : 1st July 2009
Notification of acceptance : 1st September 2009
Camera-ready manuscript and author's registration : 1st October 2009
Early Bird Registration : 1st October 2009
Conference date : 7th -8th December 2009
It is our great pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to
participate in this conference. For more information, please visit our
website at Your assistance in disseminating
this information is very much appreciated.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving a positive response from you soon.
Yours truly,
Hong Tat Ewe, Prof. Dr.
General Chair
Symposium on Progress in Information and Communication Technologies (SPICT'09)
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT)
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
9, Jalan Bersatu 13/4,
46200 Petaling Jaya,
Tel: 03-79551511
Fax: 03-79551611
CMS Seminar: Talk on Scientific Python by Dr Liew How Hui
Centre of Mathematical Sciences Seminar Series
Date: 30 April 2009 (Thursday)
Time: 2 - 3 pm
Venue: Meeting Room, FICT, UTAR.
Speaker: Dr. Liew How Hui, UTAR
Title: Scientific Python
Dear all,
This week's CMS talk will be on this Thursday, 2-3pm. The speaker is
our Dr. Liew
How Hui. His talk will be on Scientific Python.
More and more research in many areas of mathematics are involving
certain degrees
of computer calculations. Matlab is one of the most widely used software for the
mathematicians, due to friendliness and many excellent toolboxes available. The
down sides of Matlab is it is not quite a general purpose programming
language. It
is not straight forward is one would like to use Matlab to search the internet,
parsing xml, working with regular expressions, handling gzipped files and so on.
Python is an alternative general purpose scripting language which is easy to use
and learn. Combining with Scientific Python library, it can be a powerful tools
that match the functionality of Matlab, at the same time provide flexibility and
many modern computing data structures.
Please note that the change of the venue, it will be in FICT Meeting
Room, due to
room renovation.
Thank you very much.
Friday, April 17, 2009
CCIS Seminar: Windows Academic Initiative with Shared Source and Windows Kernel
Title: Windows Academic Initiative with Shared Source and Windows Kernel
Speaker: Mr Tan Teik Boon, FICT
Date: Tuesday 21 April 2009
Time: 12-1pm
Venue: FSET video conferencing room / FICT meeting room
Mariam Nainan
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Research Workshop 2: Research Initiation and Literature Review
We are glad to inform you that the 2nd research workshop will be held on
20th April 2009 (Monday), from 10am to 12pm, at PD206.
For the first session of this research workshop, Prof. Ewe will share with
you his experience in initiating a research work/project.
For the second session, I will share with you some of the tips on literature
review writing, such as: what is the purpose of writing literature review in
a paper/proposal; what your readers expect to see from the literature
review; how to write a structural literature review, etc.
Your postgraduate students, if any, are also encouraged to attend the
workshop. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please reply
my email ( so that I can do necessary arrangement.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Seminar: Ten Generations of CMOS Process Technology in 20 Years by Mr. CM Tan
The Faculty of Engineering and Science, UTAR KL Campus will be hosting a seminar by Mr. CM Tan.
The particulars are as below:
Title: Ten Generations of CMOS Process Technology in 20 Years - A Designer's Odyssey
Date: 15th April 2009 (Wednesday)
Time: 2.00 - 3.00 pm
Place: DK1, UTAR KL Campus
Mr. Tang has a vast experience of over 23 years in pioneering Communication and Multimedia ASIC Design and R&D Centers in the Asia Pacific Region. In 1984 he joined Honeywell-Synertek as CAD Manager to pioneer the VLSI design industry in the Asia Pacific Region. He was responsible for the setting up of the ASIC Design Center in Singapore. From 1985 to 2001, he has been the Regional Director of design centers of Bell Laboratories in Singapore, Tokyo, Taipei, and Seoul. From 2001 to 2006, he was made the Director of APAC R&D Centers of Agere Systems Singapore, Seoul and Shanghai. In 2006, he became the Vice President and General Manager of Digital Media Business Unit of Huahong Semiconductor International.
Best regards,
Dr.Tan Yong Chai